OLED stand for orgnic light emitting diodes. It is a display that emits light. The shape and stucture of OLED is made from layers.
These layers are very thin organic molecules (around 10 to 1000 nm ). The molecules are piled on top of each other and disposed on a substrat. The latter can be rigid (often a glass) or flexible (plastic) leading then to either a rigid or flexible OLED.
OLEDs are mainly used in digital devices such as Tv and smartphone screen’s. OLEDs are also applied in a wide range of “niche” applications as lighting, automotive, medical, and multiple other applications.
Among these applications we can mention the lighting packaging ! The animation on bottles or boxes is now possible thanks to OLEDs. These animations can make them communicative with the lights for actors of smart packaging. The sides prototype depicted here represents some examples. Such type of applications demand high reliability and readability.
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